Linux Domain Name Lookup Guide + Commands

The Linux domain name lookup, also known as DNS (Domain Name System) lookup, is a crucial aspect of networking and system administration.

This guide will provide a detailed overview of the Linux domain name lookup process, focusing on the use of the dig command and other related tools.

Understanding DNS and Linux Domain Name Lookup

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It translates easily memorizable domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for locating and identifying computer services and devices with the underlying network protocols. In the context of Linux, the dig command is a powerful tool for performing DNS lookups.

Using the dig Command for Linux Domain Name Lookup

The dig command, which stands for Domain Information Groper, is a flexible and feature-rich command-line tool for performing DNS lookups. It allows users to query DNS name servers for information about host addresses, mail exchanges, name servers, and related information. The basic syntax of the dig command is as follows:

dig [server] [name] [type]


  • server: The name or IP address of the name server to query.
  • name: The domain name to query.
  • type: The type of DNS record to retrieve (e.g., A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, SOA).

The dig command provides various options for customizing the output and performing specific types of lookups, such as querying specific DNS record types or name servers.

1. host:

  • Basic: Easy to use for quick lookups.
  • Syntax: host
  • Output: Displays IP address(es) and sometimes other information like aliases.
  • Example: host

2. nslookup:

  • More options: Can query specific record types like MX (mail) or CNAME (alias).
  • Syntax: nslookup [-type=RECORDTYPE]
  • Example: nslookup -type=MX
  • Interactive mode: Use for deeper exploration.

3. dig:

  • Most powerful: Offers comprehensive information and flexibility.
  • Syntax: dig [@SERVER] [-t RECORDTYPE]
  • Options: Specify query types, servers, and more.
  • Example: dig +short A (for just the A record)
  • Steeper learning curve: Requires understanding of DNS record types and options.

Additional Tips:

  • Reverse lookups: Use host or dig with an IP address to find its associated domain name.
  • Troubleshooting: These tools can help diagnose DNS issues by showing the resolution path.
  • Graphical tools: Consider dnslookup (GUI) or PowerDNS recursor (web-based) for visual exploration.

Which tool to choose?

  • Quick lookup: host
  • Specific record types: nslookup
  • Detailed information and flexibility: dig

Troubleshooting DNS Name Resolution in Linux

In addition to the dig command, there are other useful tools available for troubleshooting DNS name resolution issues in Linux. These include the host command, nslookup, and ping. Each of these tools serves a specific purpose in diagnosing and resolving DNS-related problems.

Batch Mode for Reading Host Names From a File

The dig command also supports batch mode for reading host names from a file, which can be useful for performing DNS lookups for a list of domains instead of doing the same for each one individually. By providing dig with a list of domain names in a file, users can streamline the process of gathering DNS information for multiple domains.

how to install and configure DNS server on linux

To install and configure a DNS server on Linux, there are several steps to follow. The first step is to install the BIND package, which provides the named service.

The next step is to configure the /etc/named.conf file by adding or editing the values in the options field, such as the DNS server address and the allow-query to any.

After that, create the zone files for the domain names that the DNS server will be authoritative for.

Finally, start and enable the named service. There are several resources available online that provide detailed instructions on how to install and configure a DNS server on Linux, such as the articles from Zindagi Technologies, Scaler Topics, and Red Hat.

Note that the specific steps may vary depending on the Linux distribution being used.

Common DNS Lookup Errors and Troubleshooting on Linux:

Encountering errors with DNS lookups can be frustrating!

Here are some common issues and steps you can take to troubleshoot them in Linux:

Errors and Solutions:

  1. “Server failure” or “Name server not responding”:
    • Possible cause: DNS server overload, unreachable, or down.
    • Solutions:
      • Try alternative DNS servers (e.g., Google:, Cloudflare:
      • Check your network connection and router configuration.
      • Restart your network devices (modem, router).
      • Contact your internet service provider (ISP).
  2. “NXDOMAIN – No domain exists”:
    • Possible cause: Mistyped domain name, non-existent domain, or DNS propagation delay after domain creation.
    • Solutions:
      • Double-check spelling and capitalization.
      • Verify domain existence with WHOIS tools.
      • Wait 24-48 hours for DNS propagation if applicable.
  3. “SERVFAIL – Unknown error”:
    • Possible cause: Issues with intermediate DNS servers or authoritative name servers.
    • Solutions:
      • Try alternative DNS servers.
      • Contact your ISP or domain registrar for further assistance.
  4. “REFUSED”:
    • Possible cause: Firewall or security settings blocking DNS lookups.
    • Solutions:
      • Temporarily disable firewalls or antivirus software (not recommended for long-term).
      • Check firewall rules and allow necessary DNS ports.
  5. “TIMEOUT”:
    • Possible cause: Network congestion, slow DNS server, or overloaded server.
    • Solutions:
      • Check your internet connection speed and stability.
      • Try alternative DNS servers.
      • Contact your ISP if the issue persists.

General Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Clear your DNS cache: Use sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches or consult your specific distribution’s guide.
  • Check network configuration: Verify IP addresses, subnet masks, and DNS server settings.
  • Use diagnostic tools: ping, traceroute, dig, and nslookup can help identify network issues and trace the lookup path.
  • Consult documentation: Refer to manual pages for detailed information on specific tools and troubleshooting steps.

Remember: If you’re unsure about advanced network configuration or troubleshooting steps, it’s best to seek help from your system administrator or ISP.


In conclusion, the Linux domain name lookup process is essential for various networking and system administration tasks. The dig command, along with other related tools, provides the necessary functionality to perform DNS lookups, troubleshoot name resolution issues, and gather essential DNS information. By understanding and utilizing these tools, Linux system administrators can effectively manage and maintain the DNS infrastructure within their environments.

In summary, the Linux domain name lookup, also known as DNS lookup, is a fundamental aspect of networking and system administration. The dig command, along with other related tools, provides the necessary functionality to perform DNS lookups, troubleshoot name resolution issues, and gather essential DNS information in a Linux environment. By understanding and utilizing these tools, Linux system administrators can effectively manage and maintain the DNS infrastructure within their environments.




