WHOIS Information

Domain Information

Domain Name:
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Expiry Date:
Updated Date:
Name Server:

Registrar Information

Abuse Contact:
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Registrant Information

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Contact Phone:
Postal Code:

Raw Data

%% %% This is the AFNIC Whois server. %% %% complete date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ %% %% Rights restricted by copyright. %% See https://www.afnic.fr/en/domain-names-and-support/everything-there-is-to-know-about-domain-names/find-a-domain-name-or-a-holder-using-whois/ %% %% domain: ar24.fr status: ACTIVE eppstatus: serverUpdateProhibited eppstatus: serverTransferProhibited eppstatus: serverDeleteProhibited eppstatus: serverRecoverProhibited hold: NO holder-c: CTC198365-FRNIC admin-c: CTC199359-FRNIC tech-c: CTC199360-FRNIC registrar: GANDI Expiry Date: 2028-06-18T09:57:33Z created: 2014-06-18T09:57:33Z last-update: 2022-10-28T10:59:53.139867Z source: FRNIC nserver: ns-146-b.gandi.net nserver: ns-169-a.gandi.net nserver: ns-211-c.gandi.net nserver: z.dns.gandi.net source: FRNIC key1-tag: 34441 key1-algo: 13 [ECDSAP256SHA256] key1-dgst-t: 2 [SHA256] key1-dgst: 7473A56A6C5839C5F159F4C0EB0926CEC15ACB8A1EB431404182147F191CC047 source: FRNIC registrar: GANDI address: 63-65 boulevard Massena address: 75013 PARIS country: FR phone: +33.170377661 fax-no: +33.143731851 e-mail: [email protected] website: https://www.gandi.net/fr/tlds/fr/ anonymous: No registered: 2004-03-08T00:00:00Z source: FRNIC nic-hdl: CTC199360-FRNIC type: ORGANIZATION contact: AR24 SAS address: AR24 SAS address: 45/47 Boulevard Paul Vaillant Couturier address: 94200 Ivry-Sur-Seine country: FR phone: +33.756211254 e-mail: [email protected] registrar: GANDI anonymous: NO obsoleted: NO eppstatus: associated eppstatus: active eligstatus: not identified reachstatus: not identified source: FRNIC nic-hdl: CTC198365-FRNIC type: ORGANIZATION contact: AR24 SAS address: AR24 SAS address: 45/47 Boulevard Paul Vaillant Couturier address: 94200 Ivry-Sur-Seine country: FR phone: +33.756211254 e-mail: [email protected] registrar: GANDI anonymous: NO obsoleted: NO eppstatus: serverUpdateProhibited eppstatus: associated eligstatus: not identified reachstatus: not identified source: FRNIC nic-hdl: CTC199359-FRNIC type: ORGANIZATION contact: AR24 SAS address: AR24 SAS address: 45/47 Boulevard Paul Vaillant Couturier address: 94200 Ivry-Sur-Seine country: FR phone: +33.756211254 e-mail: [email protected] registrar: GANDI anonymous: NO obsoleted: NO eppstatus: associated eppstatus: active eligstatus: not identified reachstatus: not identified source: FRNIC >>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2024-09-20T17:22:52.804258Z <<<
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Q.How do I search a domain name?

Simply use the Domain Search tool above. Type in the domain name in the search box and click on "Search"

Q.How do I generate domain names?

Use the Domain Generator tool. Type in a key-word and you will receive many suggestions back.

Q.How can I find out who owns a domain?

You can find out a domain's ownership using the WHOIS Information tool above.

Q.Where can I find when a domain expires?

You can use the WHOIS Information tool and check the domain-name to see when it will expire.

Q.How do I find the location of an IP or Domain?

To find the Location of an IP / Domain, you can use the IP Lookup & Domain Location tools.

Q.Where can I see the DNS Records of a Domain?

Use the DNS Lookup tool and type in your Domain Name.