WHOIS Information

Domain Information

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Registrar Information

Abuse Contact:
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Registrant Information

Registrant Name:
Contact Phone:
Postal Code:

Raw Data

% Request from % This is the Ukrainian Whois query server #G. % The Whois is subject to Terms of use % See https://hostmaster.ua/services/ % % IN THE PROCESS OF DELEGATION OF A DOMAIN NAME, % THE REGISTRANT IS AN ENTITY WHO USES AND MANAGES A CERTAIN DOMAIN NAME, % AND THE REGISTRAR IS A BUSINESS ENTITY THAT PROVIDES THE REGISTRANT % WITH THE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR THE TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE OF THE REGISTRATION AND OPERATION OF THE DOMAIN NAME. % FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGISTRANT OF THE DOMAIN NAME, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE REGISTRAR. domain: multinet.ua dom-public: NO license: 108127 mnt-by: ua.webcraft-llc nserver: ns1.multinet.dp.ua nserver: ns2.multinet.dp.ua nserver: ns.multinet.dp.ua status: clientTransferProhibited created: 2009-07-22 13:20:52+03 modified: 2024-08-21 13:22:02+03 expires: 2025-07-22 13:20:52+03 source: UAEPP % Registrar: % % The following disclaimer was provided by the domain name registrar % ========== % Надана інформація є неповною і може містити помилки, пов'язані з особливостями механізмів % кешування й обробки інформації, несинхронного оновлення реєстрів і т.н., тому не є % достовірною і надається виключно в цілях ознайомлення. У зв'язку з вищевказаним, дана % інформація не може бути використана з метою вирішення спорів, конфліктів, визначення % майнових і немайнових прав і т.н. % Єдиним джерелом первинних даних про доменне ім'я є реєстратор (registrar) доменного імені, % який може надати необхідну інформацію за запитом, в установленому законом порядку. % % % The provided information is incomplete and may contain errors related to the specificity % of information caching and processing mechanisms, asynchronous updating of registries, % etc., therefore it is not reliable and is provided for informational purposes only. In % connection with the above, this information can not be used to resolve disputes, % conflicts, determine property and non-property rights, etc. % The only source of primary data about the domain name is the registrar of the domain name, % which can provide the required information upon request, in accordance with the procedure % established by law. % ========== registrar: ua.webcraft-llc organization: WEBCRAFT LLC organization-loc: ТОВ "ВЕБКРАФТ" url: http://webcraft.ua city: Kyiv country: UA abuse-email: [email protected] abuse-phone: +380.443625825 abuse-postal: Ukraine 02206 Kyiv BOX 67 abuse-postal-loc: Україна 02206 Київ а/с 67 source: UAEPP % Registrant: % =========== person: n/a person-loc: ТОВ "Локом" organization-loc: ТОВ "Локом" e-mail: [email protected] address: Kravchenko 2 39 address: Dnipropetrovs'ka obl. address: PAVLOHRAD postal-code: 51413 country: UA address-loc: Кравченко 2 39 address-loc: Дніпропетровська обл. address-loc: ПАВЛОГРАД postal-code-loc: 51413 country-loc: UA phone: +380.563208743 fax: +380.563231221 mnt-by: ua.webcraft-llc status: ok status: linked created: 2015-01-18 04:40:01+02 source: UAEPP % Query time: 9 msec
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Find out Domain Expiry

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Q.How do I search a domain name?

Simply use the Domain Search tool above. Type in the domain name in the search box and click on "Search"

Q.How do I generate domain names?

Use the Domain Generator tool. Type in a key-word and you will receive many suggestions back.

Q.How can I find out who owns a domain?

You can find out a domain's ownership using the WHOIS Information tool above.

Q.Where can I find when a domain expires?

You can use the WHOIS Information tool and check the domain-name to see when it will expire.

Q.How do I find the location of an IP or Domain?

To find the Location of an IP / Domain, you can use the IP Lookup & Domain Location tools.

Q.Where can I see the DNS Records of a Domain?

Use the DNS Lookup tool and type in your Domain Name.